October, 2007
I witness miracles.
As the rest of the world is drowning in debt, hurrying from one activity to another, whizzing through their lives in a blur of confusion and living in a bubble that surrounds their personal space.... I am a witness to daily doses of reality that slap me in the face with such force that sometimes I lose my breath.
Every day, I deal with:
- A Lawyer who testified before Congress regarding Social Security
- A Merchant marine who worked as an engineer for the Port Authority of New York
- A Bank Vice President
- An Insurance Under-writer
- A female pilot
- A High school principal
- A Librarian from the NY Public Library
I consider these people my friends.
I am an Activity Director -Oh, I'm sorry - The marketing 'professionals' at our Corporate offices have had endless meetings around a huge mahogany table - and now DEMAND that we refer to ourselves as:
I am a Life Enrichment Specialist at a secured (locked) Memory Support facility that houses approximately 35 residents in various stages of Alzheimer's disease and/or other forms of Dementia. The folks listed above - are some of my residents.
I consider these people my friends.
Every morning, I punch the numbers on the key pad to unlock the doors and enter the building. As the door opens, a 'clicking' sound is made. The 'click' resonates through the downstairs living area, signifying to the residents that someone is entering their space.
As I cross the threshold, it is rare for me to get more than a few feet inside before one of my 'friends' proclaims: "There she is," "What's cooking-good looking?" "So, what's going on today?" "There you are, where have you been?"
Every day the same thing -
Not many of them remember my name, in fact most of them think I live in the facility with them. They don't understand that I am a 'worker'. They can't explain much about me at all - However....they do know one thing - THEY LIKE ME.
If this scenario sounds like gloom & doom - THINK AGAIN. Every day I am witness to amazing 'moments'. Bill reading from a magazine. Elda folding laundry. Millie singing every word to a familiar old tune and Ila May playing the piano. The disease is slowly robbing them of their brain-matter.....therefore, these windows-of-opportunity are truly miracles.
I consider these people my friends.
I am the lucky one.
I laugh more times during the day than 'work-law' should allow. I get so many hugs and kisses that a 'typical' HR department would have a head-ache. Nearly every day someone tells me they love me. They call me sweetie and honey. Dale tells me I'm pretty and Vernon holds my hand.
Although 'Enriching their Lives' is my responsibility - I'm usually on the receiving end of the Life Enrichment. They may not remember my name. They may not remember what we did a mere 10 minutes ago. Sometimes they repeat the same stories over and over and over. However, I'm a better person for knowing them.
I consider these people my friends.