November, 2007
As I creep towards closing out my 30s I have to stop and ponder -
And, I'm not even talking about War, Famine, Natural Disaster, Politics and the fascination with Reality TV.
I'm curious - when and where did we lose sight of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? And, the satisfaction of a JOB-WELL-DONE?
What happened to these basic principles? Seriously....when did the idea of holding someone accountable for their own actions get sucked into the VORTEX of Lost Values? Anyone?? Anyone? (Bueller?)
For those 'observers' who know me well and have followed the roller-coaster ride, that is my daily life.... it's been stated, that I have the "worst luck" of most people.
I suppose that could be true. Admittedly, things have happened in my 30-something years on earth that don't historically occur to the 'average' person.
The Emergency -Airplane -landing -of -2000 at LaGuardia (pre -terrorist attacks), the Escape-from-New York-Moving-truck-nightmare, The Multiple-surgeries and Loss-of-Jobs. (refer to previous BLOG entries for details)
Don't even GET ME STARTED on why Christmas -is- a -Nightmare - there are too many stories/reasons for that one....
So, yes - I've earned the right to possibly proclaim I am one of the worlds un-luckiest people - However, I choose to look at it much differently. I choose NOT to be a victim. I choose NOT to wallow-in-self-pity (except for a few days a month). I choose to be em-powered by those misfortunes and use them to propel me to another level of maturation.
On Saturday September 8th, I left my apartment and planned to drive to work for a couple hours. As I descended the stairs of my second story dwelling I quickly noticed that the windshield of my car was shattered.
Odd, considering I'd parked my car the evening before at 6:30 and hadn't driven it again. Instinctively, I looked up - to see if anything had fallen from 'above' and broken the windshield. I looked around the car, inspecting for foreign objects that may have caused the damage. But, alas - I saw nothing.
After multiple phone calls... to my boss, my insurance agent and an auto glass specialist. I begrudgingly conceded to having Yet - ANOTHER unexpected financial expenditure. The $246 bill was certainly not welcome to my already-anemic bank-account.
About a week later, as I returned from the gym, I was greeted by the 20-something-gel-haired-pretty-boy that lives in the apartment downstairs. In a flurry of words, he recounted the details of how he broke my windshield. He had been throwing the football around with the neighbor boys (ages 6 & 8) and - 'Pretty-Boy' had thrown the pass that connected with the windshield, instantly shattering it. After he instructed the youngsters not to say anything - all three 'boys' scattered. However, apparently - the guilt of the younger boys finally consumed them - they told their mother - she told the apartment manager and the apartment manager suggested that 'Pretty-Boy' come clean.
It is now November. 'Pretty-Boy' has given the apartment management his 'notice' and is planning to move out next week. He's admitted to financial hardship. He's sold his 'too-big-SUV' and is planning to move in with a female friend in another part of the City. And, you guessed it - I've yet to be fully PAID FOR MY DAMAGES!
Recently, I was on a work-related-shopping-excursion to a local Big-Box store. While in aisle 8, as I reached for a glass bowl on a higher shelf my arm brushed up against a non-attached metal rod that fell from its perch. As it 'lanced' my right ear - blood began flowing freely.
After self-medicating the ear with a wet wad of paper towels from the Big Box bathroom - I went to customer service to report the 'errant metal rod' that had pierced my ear. Thanks to the bloody paper towel I was clutching - a company 'First Responder' appeared with a First-Aid kit. As she probed me about the details of the incident - she made many failed attempts to put the 'rubber gloves' on. As she continued to struggle....the 'hounds-tooth-coat-wearing' manager appeared out of nowhere. She too, asked me to recount the 'lancing' details as 'First Responder' still struggled with the gloves.
Moments later - another couple of 'managers-with-clip-boards' appeared. After giving the details for a THIRD time - I realized that.... not one of the 'numble-nutted' employees had asked me my name or any other pertinent information about me.
'First Responder' finally got the Rubik's-cube-related-gloves on her pudgy fingers as the 'gaggle-of-incompetent-managers' sauntered away, in a quest to find the metal rod in aisle 8. Before they got out of ear-shot - 'First Responder' reminded them, "you should all put on rubber gloves. Some of her blood may have gotten on the piece of metal."
I stared at this circle of cartoon characters with my mouth agape. I would've laughed out loud at the sheer lunacy that so many incompetent people could be in one location at the same time - if my EAR wasn't bleeding and throbbing so bad.
As a former YMCA First Responder myself, I was perplexed how this ' Yellow-Smiley-face-themed-Big-Box' didn't seem to have an EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN. Or, if they did... this hapless group of folks - certainly needed to be Re-Trained!!
'First Responder' turned her attention back to me - she took the bloody paper towel wad from me and handed me a 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch square of gauze. From my seated position, I stared up at her in sheer amazement. "Do you have any antiseptic in that First Aid kit?" I inquired. After a quick search, she told me she did not. When I asked for a band-aid - I was told she didn't have any of those either.
"Wow", I proclaimed out loud - "your First Aid Kit Sucks, doesn't it?"
Later on, when I recounted this story to the SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN, he pointed out the irony of the First Aid Kit. "Ah, couldn't she just go to aisle three and gather all the stuff she'd actually need for a First Aide Kit?"
One would think so, wouldn't they?????
Fed up with the overwhelming lack of competence, I excused myself from the 'First Responder'. "Are you sure? I can put some water on the gauze pad, if you like," she offered.
"No, that's okay," I mumbled. "I work at a health care facility, I'll just have one of the nurses look at me."
And with that proclamation- I stood up and left the Big Box. Amazed at the thought that not ONE PERSON had gotten my name or any information about me. For a brief second, I fantasized about the law-suit that I could win and by this time next year, I'd OWN this BIG BOX.
However, that fantasy was short- lived because by the time I returned to work....I was greeted by two employees in a shouting match in the front lobby. Another fire to put out - no time to worry about my ear-dilemma.
No accountability, no pride in good work - The VORTEX of Lost Values - continues to consume it's victims.