February, 2008
Life has been moving at warped speed since the SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN proposed marriage to me on December 7th, 2007.
STEP ONE - setting the date.
The SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN & I aren't young kids. At the time of the proposal - we were BOTH nestled nicely in our 30s. However, in January - I crossed over the horizon of the 'New 30'.
Along with our 'advanced' age - this is a first marriage for both of us... and we agreed that we didn't need a long engagement.
We agreed on a lot. The wedding would be in North Carolina, it would be small (family only), it would be in a Church and it would NOT be in the summer months.
With those parameters in mind....I called the Church.
I had been attending St. Peter's since I moved to Charlotte in December of 2006. I had officially joined the parish in August 2007 and was a loyal Sunday worshiper. However, because I hadn't been a 'contributing' (registered) member for a full year - The VOICE on the other end of the phone told me I was going to be charged $300 for the privledge of walking down their isle.
"Hmmmm, let the 'games' begin"...I thought.
I was prepared for wedding planners, cake decorators and venue managers to SCREW me with their costs - However, I wasn't prepared for my place of worship to SCREW me!
The VOICE proceeded to prattle off additional costs....$200 for the organ player, $200 for the church-appointed wedding planner, $99 for the mandatory marriage workshop and a suggested stipen of no less than $100 for the priest who makes it official. I swallowed hard....
This was my first investigative wedding planning phone call - and the price tag already had reached $1,000. God Bless America!
After The VOICE dumped the financial garbage on me - she then informed me that the church was "booked until September." "Really?" I squeaked. (we didn't want to wait nine months)
After a few more minutes of gentle prodding - I got her to flip through the Wedding Book to check for earlier options. I could hear the pages turning as she searched for another open date. "Nope, " she muttered - "we are all booked throuth September." (pregnant pause)..... "Except......"
I held my breath
"There is one date available.....Eleven in the morning on May 17th."
My heart skipped a beat and a warm flush came over me. It was like a SIGN FROM ABOVE.
That date - May 17, 2008 was the SOUTHERN GENTLEMANS parents 46th wedding anniversary. And, it was a mere two days after MY parents 54th wedding anniversary.
That weekend had a powerful place in our hearts. And, that was the ONLY DATE available between December 2007 and September 2008? I felt certain, it was a sign.
"We'll take it!!" I screeched.
It was official - the date was set.
STEP TWO - the details.
After that phone call - I became a woman-on-a-mission to plan OUR wedding day with a casual elegance that would define our style. The SOUTHERN GENT & I have NOT fallen prey to what the industry 'professionals' tell the masses they MUST have to get married.
In our wedding performance - The groom is wearing a suit, the bride is wearing an ivory colored gown from Nordstrom dot com that came in the mail and fit right the first time. We're having a luncheon reception with several unique elements including cupcakes instead of a traditional wedding cake.
We'll be surrounded by loved ones that have supported us throughout our lives. It will be intimate and better yet - the whole day will reflect who we are as a couple.
We are approximately three months from our wedding date - and all the major components are already in place. So far, this experience has brought us closer together as a couple. If I could impart any wisdom on my fellow Brides-to-be.....it would be this: don't follow the rules, follow your heart.
Throw the handbook out the window and fly by the seat of your pants. Include your groom and go with your gut. It feels good - and the results are so much more personal.
Holy crap - is it possible that the former President of the Sisters-in-Singlehood is giving wedding-planning advice??
YIKES! Pigs are actually flying.
Imagine that!