July, 2008
I've been biting my lip and tongue for FAR TOO LONG. Some things just HAVE TO BE SAID out loud...(or, at least in Cyber-space)
- I'm an avid cyclist. And, rarely is there a ride that I don't encounter a near miss -accident courtesy of a passing vehicle coming too close for my comfort. In the last few years the Gi-normous SUV's have become my nemesis. And, it just HAS TO BE SAID - that invariably after I regain control of the bike following a near-tragic auto-cyclist confrontation...I'm watching as a 'Mom-in-a-mini-van' decked out in her designer jogging suit, sits upon the leather seat of her SUV throne, talking on her cell phone. As the vehicle continues on its path, I'm left staring at the back window that is plastered with a variety of Soccer ball shaped window-clings. Hmmm, so curious that an 'athletic supporter' like the proud 'Mom-in-a-mini-van' is incapable of giving an actual athlete the appropriate amount of space to pass.
- What flavor Kool-aid are parents drinking that enables them to BELIEVE that giving their pre-teen a cell phone guarantees that they KNOW WHERE THE KID IS AT ALL TIMES? It just HAS TO BE SAID: Wake up 'parental units' your kid could be sipping tequila, smoking a joint while holding up a Bank and still take your phone call. Now that the kid has the phone, the rest of the sane population is forced to hear their INANE conversations in all public places. Because, GOD forbid if they should be standing idly in a line ANYWHERE without chatting loudly with someone on the other end. Not to mention the 'click-click-click' of the phone keys as they text message invisible pals in cyber space using initials instead of words in a new style of communicating that will certainly have long lasting repercussions. May 'the force' be with their future supervisors when these attention-depraved kids enter the real-world-of work someday.