August, 2008
The Southern Gentleman and I are approaching FOUR MONTHS of wedded 'bliss'.
Well, 'bliss' may be a bit of a stretch. We're still adjusting to the day-to-day' stuff' of having another human being in your space.
I'm still trying to wrap my brain around - how it is possible for my sweet husband to be capable of getting the food out of its container, digesting it, getting the dishes back into the kitchen however - for some odd and unexplainable reason, he can't take the LAST LEAP of putting the used dishes in the DISH WASHER!
The sweet SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN will come in the front door after a long day of work, give me a tender kiss on the cheek as he passes by me... on his way to the sofa. A mere 'nano-second' later, I follow him... in his path as I sweetly ask him about his work day.
To my UTTER AMAZEMENT - I'll find him sitting on the sofa wearing nothing but his underpants, black socks and white under-shirt!!
It's as if his clothes MAGICALLY fall off his body as he strolls from the kitchen a mere 18 feet into the living room.
The site of my husbands boxer-briefed butt - hitting the cushions of our $1,000 contemporary sofa, makes me shudder. ......I want to implode, when he places his moist-black- socked-feet on our equally 'hip' coffee table.
I want to gauge my own eyes out....just to block the image. YIKES!
However, when he looks at me with those ultra-blue eyes and he makes me laugh at the most INAPPROPRIATE moments he melts my heart over and over and over. When he walks me to my car on a rainy morning while holding the umbrella or when he greets me at the end of the day with a Bloody Mary in a chilled glass.... I remember why we stood at the alter in front of God and our family and pledged our love to each other.
I've realized something else - WE TRAVEL WELL TOGETHER.
This is a HUGE detail to discover. The SOUTHERN GENT and I have taken several mini-trips since we've been married and I'm thrilled to report that we make fantastic travel companions.
Although I'm an ULTRA-PLANNER in my daily life - I try and relax a bit when on vacation. I like to have a 'casual plan'. Nothing too detailed or time sensitive. When on vacation I like to sleep late and NOT follow an arduous schedule. Thankfully, my husband has a similar travel strategy.
He rolls with the punches. He keeps me calm as we navigate through AIRPORT HELL. If we travel by car, he does all the driving. (I offer to help, but he refuses to relinquish the wheel) And, that's okay-by-me. Considering I'm the gal that would fight sleep on a quick jaunt from Milwaukee to Chicago. (a mere 90 miles) If I have to drive any distance longer than 45 mins...my eyelids get heavy and my legs cramp up.
So, the SOUTHERN GENTS' desire to drive the auto - is an amazing compliment to my desire to sit in the passenger seat, read magazines interspersed with lengthy moments of napping.
Finding out we have similar TOURISM TASTES is such a lovely revelation. Considering, my family is nearly 1,000 miles away from where we currently live. And, my closest friends are scattered from Virginia to Texas and New York.
We will be travelling. Therefore, having the SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN as a Travel Companion - is a pretty nice bonus to this whole married-life-thing.