February, 2007
Why is it that........?
- Magazines that boast stories about 'Decorate Your House on a Budget' are barely 100 pages long and 3/4 advertisements yet cost $6. If I could afford to pay $6 for a mere 12 pages of useful info. - I wouldn't be worried about decorating on a budget!
- Men seem to be drawn to the woman in the group that holds a full-set of personal baggage? She may be; divorced, bankrupt, have kids, formerly abused and recovering from an addiction....and remarkably the men are drawn to her like moths to a flame....
- The 'Career Coaches' and employment 'experts', encourage job seekers to follow up every resume submission with a phone call while also warning job seekers to NEVER speak of salary during an interview...YET, the actual Hiring Managers have messages on their e-mails and phones that state: "Due to the overwhelming response for this position, we ask that you do not call or reply to this e-mail. We will contact you, if your skills match our needs." .....Furthermore - in nearly every interview - the hiring manager asks "What kind of salary are you looking to make?" In some instances, this question is posed at the on-set of the interview...giving the job seeker the feeling that if they don't answer in the correct 'salary range'....the interview would be over before it begins.
- Guys rarely call back when they say they will.
- The high-paid Meterologists cause state-wide panic with their 'weather predictions' - that inevitably are WRONG more than 50% of the time- yet they are still EMPLOYED. And, viewers continue to tune in, to find out the SEVEN DAY forecast.
- Carbohydrates are NIRVANA for a woman with PMS.
- The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence.
- Paris Hilton exists. More importantly, who are the people that ask for her autograph?
- Professional athletes make millions of dollars for playing a sport found on any school playground or high school athletic field...... and people that work with developmentally disabled children, social workers and non-profit employees who fight for a 'cause' are the 'working poor'.
- Once a person is rich - they rarely pay for anything.
- Guys rarely call back when they say they will. (it was worth repeating)
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