June, 2007
This month marked a couple of significant anniversaries in my life. June 1 was the official ONE YEAR anniversary of my unemployment 'stint'. And, I use the word 'stint' extremely lightly. It was still a 'stint' after three months, however since I reached the six, ten and twelve month marks...I actually crossed over into a new category.
I'm now living an - Unemployment 'Lifestyle'
And, believe me - it is on the other end of the spectrum from the Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous. Robin Leach will certainly not be doing a feature on me anytime soon. Hell, I'm about ten minutes away from contacting Dr. Phil for some MUCH NEEDED therapy.
June 18th was my SIX MONTH anniversary of my move to Charlotte. I landed here filled with hope and anticipation of wonderful employment opportunities that were awaiting me. Unfortunately, there are approximately 4,000 other folks that flock to Charlotte monthly in search of the same opportunities. The Chamber of Commerce boasts the Cities growth and brags about all the professional perks of this thriving area.
I'm still convinced I made the right move however, as the days, weeks and months drag on... it grows more difficult to keep a positive outlook. One good thing - people have stopped giving me employment advice. Now I just get folks shaking their heads, while they secretly pray that they never end up in the unemployment line alongside me.
Lately, I've either met or heard stories about fellow Employment Challenged individuals. Ironically, many of those folks are former media, public relations and marketing professionals, like myself. Although it's somewhat comforting knowing I'm not alone on this crazy journey...it saddens me that we've got eerily similar war-stories to share.
Makes me wonder if I should just be content to find ANY job - instead of trying to pursue positions that my professional background and skills are suited for.
Since April, I've been getting a steady stream of Temp jobs. And although I'm grateful for a reason to get up in the morning...working in various locations and observing the work-habits of the FULL - TIME employed people makes me crazy!
As a 'Temp' you get an inside peak into the work styles and habits of the gainfully employed. I've had to suppress my comments while observing the actual employees doing ANYTHING but work. Good gracious - my head nearly exploded at one temp job - when an early '30-something-free-spirit' found the most amazing ways to AVOID work.
I was working as a receptionist - and was on the receiving end of the phone when she called in (nearly daily) with various reasons for why she WASN'T AT WORK. Her excuses included all the basics - Doctor Appointments, Sick Dog, Waiting for the Plumber - blah, blah, blah.
But, the culmination of her work-related avoidance came when on one particular day - she called in near 10:00 am. (Her work day is supposed to begin at 8:30am)
And, after I cheerfully spouted the Standard-Company-Greeting - Ms. NON-WORKER launched into her diatribe about why she was going to be 'late'. I was mystified by the intricate detail in which she delivered this excuse...clearly she'd put a lot of thought and effort into this story - "Hell," - I thought to myself as she babbled - "wouldn't it be a TREAT if she put this much thought and effort into actually DOING HER JOB?"
Call me crazy!
She said she'd been in the car - on the way to work - when she spotted a stray dog - she picked it up, took it back to her house and gave it a bowl of water. And, when the thirsty dog lapped up all the water - she had to re-fill the bowl.......
My mind wandered somewhere around that point...... I just couldn't get past the thought of actually being on the receiving end of this crappy story....and, again - I shuddered at the idea that I was the UNEMPLOYED one!!!
Little Ms. NON-WORKER finally strode into the office around 11:00 am - and after she spent nearly half an hour drinking coffee and chatting-it-up with co-workers - she took her hour lunch break at 12:30 - and checked out of the office by 4:00pm.
By my TEMP worker calculations - the company got NEARLY three hours of work out of her that day. Lovely.
Meanwhile - My hunt for a FULL TIME job continues.
Life is a Mystery.
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