October, 2007
It's been nearly a month since I re-entered the wonderful world of 'WORK'.
If you question my enthusiasm for being back - try being Un-employed for 15 months!
Try living with no steady income or paycheck - and, you'll see how FREAKING excited you are to work again!
It feels GREAT to have somewhere to be every day. The fact that I've taken a $25 thousand dollar pay cut from my previous employment, barely bothers me anymore.
Punching a CLOCK every day to get in and out of the building combined with punching again for the half hour lunch break (which I have yet to really accomplish properly) has been a bit of a struggle. But, again - NOT COMPLAINING!!! (just adjusting).
I am back in the health care industry, working with senior adults with Alzheimer's disease. I have, ONCE AGAIN, re-invented myself. And, most importantly - I'm BACK AMONGST MY PEOPLE!!!!!
The first 10 years of my career was spent as a broadcast journalist. However, after the attacks of 9-11, I left New York and returned home to Milwaukee. In January 2002, I entered the health care industry and in a mere five years had established myself in management as a program and business development professional. The career took yet another twist when I was offered, what seemed like, a super opportunity as a Marketing & Public Relations Director for an up-start company. The HUGE pay increase was the deciding factor that led me away from the health care industry at that time.
However, like most things that are too good to be true- the up-start fell on hard times and eliminated my position.
This BLOG started as my outlet - to vent, as I began the journey of looking for work. Never, in a million years, did I expect the job hunt to last 15 months! This BLOG catalogues many of the crazy interview and job hunting stories....however, I have so many more, that a book is certainly a possibility. I've had many folks pledge their support while encouraging me that my story is worth telling. Stay tuned for details.
In the meantime, I'm having a FABULOUS time getting to know my new residents. In less than a month, I've inherited nearly 33 new friends that make me laugh every day. I've been witness to many lovely moments, that will forever be in my minds-eye.
Ila May can't remember what she did 15 minutes ago, yet she can play the piano with such melodic precision, you'd swear she was preparing for a concert at Carnegie Hall.
J.J. is a lovely woman from Florida, who repeats her stories several times a day, however has a sense of humor that rivals many paid professional comedians.
Vernon, just turned 93 and is in the middle stages of Alzheimer's disease, yet he sweeps the floors, helps me push the cart and is more active than most men in their 30s. He's amazing.
It was a long road to get here and I'm quite sure my professional journey is LONG from being over - however, I am so pleased to have landed back AMONGST MY PEOPLE.
I am a better person for knowing each and every one of them. They may not remember my name or even remember who I am (most of the time) - however, they laugh at my jokes, they hug and kiss me and WALTER tells me he loves me, every day.
I am blessed!
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