December 7th, 2007
It was a Friday. After surviving another week at my job - I'd raced home to enjoy a MUCH NEEDED glass of wine.
The plan for the evening was: The SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN was coming over at 7:00 and we were going to our favorite Sushi joint. I had approximately 70 mins. to pull myself together and be ready when he walked through the door - which, if history was a guide...he'd be at least 10 mins. early.
I threw a load of laundry in the washer, kicked off my shoes, poured a glass of 2 Buck Chuck Chardonnay and headed out to the back porch. A couple of cleansing-deep -breaths later and the stress of the day was beginning to fade away. I looked at my watch - and pondered, if it was too late to cancel my sushi -date with the SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. I fantasized about taking a hot bubble bath while reading my Real Simple magazine followed by my most comfy pj's and climbing into bed.
I realized that it was too late to cancel just as the phone rang. It was my sister calling from Wisconsin and we chatted for a bit too long. I transferred the laundry from the washer to the dryer and was heading to my closet to select an outfit for the evening as the phone rang again. It was my gal-pal calling from Virginia. She had some un-fortunate news to share with me which forced me to stop getting ready and focus on her words.
While she was still speaking, the SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN knocked on the door. Damn - 6:55 already!
I opened the door to let him in as I quickly retreated back to the bedroom to finish dressing. Meanwhile my gal-pal continued sharing her news as the dryer buzzer was going off. LIFE was happening at a frantic pace - my peaceful moment on the porch was a distant memory already.
After nearly ten months of dating - this frenzied getting-ready-scene was not new to the SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. In the past, he would calmly retreat to the sofa and patiently wait as I finished the 'process'. However, on this night - Friday, December 7th, 2007 - he was IN MY WAY!
He stood in the small apartment galley-style kitchen as I tried to move past him and fold the laundry. All the while, my dear gal-pal was on the other end of the phone. At one point, the SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN attempted to help me fold the laundry which resulted in one of my sports-bras on his head while he smirked and giggled like a 9 year old boy. I suppressed a giggle myself as I gave him the silent, 'you are a weirdo' glare.
I left the kitchen and went back to the bedroom to finish getting ready. When I returned to the kitchen area, the SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN was leaning against the stove, arms crossed with a quirky smirk on his face. Our eyes met and I tried to determine if he'd broken something....when my eye saw the YELLOW POST-IT NOTE attached to a small velvet bag on the counter top. Our eyes locked again.....His smile grew larger.
While still on the phone, listening to my gal-pal's emotional struggle I read the YELLOW POST-IT NOTE.
Check One
Yes or No
A warm 'flush' ran through my body as I looked back into the gentle blue eyes of the SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. "Are you sure?" I silently mouthed the words, while still holding the telephone to my ear. He nodded his head vigorously. I ran and got a pen and check marked the box labeled YES!
We hugged and kissed as we did a crazy 'celebratory' dance. The irony of this PANTOMIME scene will forever be blazed into my brain. Ask ANYONE who has ever met me - I am one of the world's most VERBAL people. And, having to silently rejoice this momentous occasion was the epitome of irony.
At some point my dearest friend, on the other end of the phone took a pause and I shared my news: "My boyfriend has just asked me to marry him through a Post-It-Note, and I said YES!" I shrieked. She began shrieking as she shouted the news to her husband. We quickly ended the conversation and I was finally free to have the appropriate VERBAL response I was anxious to expel.
It was at this point my sweet SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN commented, "I really didn't give you much of an option."
Upon closer inspection of the Post-It-Note I realized it actually read:
Check One
My heart melted all over again followed by more hugging, kissing and dancing.
It's official - The Founding President of the Universal -Order -of -SISTERS in SINGLEHOOD and the Southern Gentleman are ENGAGED!!!
The next chapter of my life begins......
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