July, 2007
Unexplainable Occurrences, that I've observed.......
- Sally Struthers claims we can feed the poor children in foreign countries for "pennies a day" - YET - the multi-millionaire 'princesses' in Hollywood are rail-thin anorexics. (clearly they aren't using their money for food - why don't they send it to the poor kids overseas?
- Hospitals are investing billions of dollars building Gi-normous additions and wings to their facilities - YET - nearly 50 million Americans are either Un-insured or Under-insured...(who is being treated in those shiny new spaces?)
- When are "REALITY" tv show participants going to realize that the network Executives and advertisers are making billions of dollars because they've discovered that the 'real' people will work for free just to satisfy their need for 15 mins. of fame?
- The media lusts over 'know-nothings' like Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton - YET - can anyone name the last Nobel Peace Prize winner? You know, someone who has actually DONE something with their life?
- How does 'The View' stay on the air? Is anyone really watching that silly 'hen fest'?
Have YOU noticed an Unexplainable Occurence? Let me know!
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