July, 2007
My week began with a phone interview on Monday afternoon. The position was a PR Specialist. I'd applied back in April and I got the call for the phone interview in July.
Hmmm, 2 1/2 month turn-around....I considered THAT a minor victory, considering the 3-5 month average response rate I'd had from the majority of previous opportunities. (good gracious, it's not BRAIN SURGERY folks)
Back in my EMPLOYED days, I'd heard rumors and rumblings about how much people HATED the hiring process. HR and upper management folks would frequently LAMENT about the candidates and the ORDEAL of it all.
newsflash! - the experience isn't too pretty from THIS SIDE of the conference table either.
Monday my phone rings promptly at 2:30 and after a brief greeting from the woman who would be my BOSS - she immediately opens with: "Before we begin, I just have to make sure we're clear on the job and it's responsibilities because, quite frankly, I think you are OVER QUALIFIED."
'Lovely.... it's sooooo comforting to be put on the DEFENSE right out of the greeting,' I thought to myself.
I resisted the urge to ask her, "then why the HELL did you call me?"
Instead, I spent the next several minutes trying to 'dumb' down my 16 years of work experience in an effort to convince her I'm NOT OVER QUALIFIED for a job.........I was clearly over qualified for.
As I hung up the phone, I felt quite sure I'd never hear from MS. INTERVIEW again.
The phone debacle that barely resembled an interview, got me thinking about the previous 13 months of job hunting...........
The hunt began back in Milwaukee in June of 2006, when my position as the Director of Marketing was eliminated.
The very first interview was with a Chicago area, National Hospital network - and imagine my 'uncomfort-able-ness' when the woman interviewing me (aka - potential BOSS) shook my hand, and before my rear-end even hit the chair she muttered: "I'm only meeting with you because the head-hunter was so fond of you. I never would have called you in for an interview - with your diverse background......"
Clearly - Neither CHARM school OR the Dale Carnegie lesson of - How to Win Friends and Influence People - are requirements for hiring managers.
Having FRIENDS run interference isn't always a guarantee of 'landing-the-gig' either. I had SIX folks on the inside of a Milwaukee -based Utility company - that was hiring for a Media/Communications position.
My TEN YEARS as a broadcast journalist combined with SIX friends already employed by the organization - made me CERTAIN I'd at least get an interview. No problem, right???
The resume deadline was October 3, 2006.
Not only did I NOT GET AN INTERVIEW....... I'd sold my condo, moved to Charlotte and been settled nearly FOUR months when the Milwaukee based Utility - finally filled the position!! Adding insult to injury - the guy they hired - was a former sports broadcast journalist (just like me).
One 'interviewer' at a Ad Agency, cut me off in the middle of the session and escorted me to the door - even though I was scheduled to meet with two other folks within the organization. His reason for the abrupt dismissal? His words; "Ellen, I think you'd be too bored and not challenged enough in this role." Adding insult to injury - A fellow college alum had referred me to the agency, because her brother was in management there....and was looking for folks with Health Care industry experience. She thought my five years in the health care industry made me a viable candidate.
Well, think again.................
I've done EXTENSIVE reading on job hunting, closing the deal and successful interviewing practices. I follow the 'TIPS' to a tee - I research each organization and I 'GOOGLE' the person I'll be meeting. I dress to impress, I bring my portfolio and ALWAYS follow up with hand written Thank you cards.
In month two - I wrote to syndicated career columnist Joan Lloyd and not only did she publish my letter, but she provided very valuable commentary on my situation. I felt hopeful.
Fast forward several months - and still unemployed, I read another fantastic syndicated column in the Business Journal - and I wrote to that North Carolina based Author. She responded immediately and even gave me quality feedback on the resume I sent to her.
In May, still dazed and confused by my 'unemployed lifestyle' - I called Deepak Chopra and spoke to him ON-AIR during his Sirius Satellite Radio broadcast.
It had finally come to that. I needed to seek out the advice of the Modern-Day Spiritual Guidance Guru himself. He's written over 40 books on health and spirituality - including the best selling: 'Seven Spiritual Laws of Success'. Who better to offer some thought and insight to my extended unemployment, than Deepak Chopra?
And, imagine my surprise when this famed intellectual suggested I WRITE ABOUT MY EXPERIENCES.......
I laughed out loud as I explained to Deepak Chopra that I'd been doing "just that." I mentioned my BLOGGING. He applauded me for my creative out-let.
I got involved with a Charlotte based Marketing Professional group - and was quickly asked to sit on their Board of Directors. I agreed, hoping that somehow I could leverage my role with the organization into high quality networking which would result in a JOB! Six months later - I'm still patiently waiting.......
I lost out on one potential job - to a girl who had formerly babysat the kids of the lady doing the hiring. Nice. Another opportunity slipped away when the non-profit decided to promote a part-timer from the 'inside'. In another instance - A gentleman who had spent 2 1/2 hours interviewing me left me a message on my machine informing me that they'd gone with a "younger guy who had already done similar work in another state."
On April 4th, I interviewed at a Law Firm. I had 'GOOGLED' the folks I'd be meeting - and was quite proud of myself as I congratulated one of the partners for an award he'd won only weeks earlier - I immediately sensed he was impressed. I was beaming.
Only to be 'slapped into reality' when the woman who would by my BOSS opened with - "With your background as a sports reporter, what makes you think you could handle marketing lawyers and a law firm?"
Back in familiar territory - on the DEFENSE with a person who had contacted me and asked me to interview for the position. Un-FREAKING-believeable.
I guess I would understand that crazy Defense-mode -interviewing -tactic.... if I had cornered her in a dark alley at gun point and forced her to bring me in for an interview....Then - MAYBE she'd have a reason to make me uncomfortable.....
By June 12th - I hadn't heard back from the Law Firm - so, I sent an e-mail to the three folks that had interviewed me - and I received an e-mail response the next day. It read:
Ellen, Thank you for your e-mail and please excuse me for not contacting you directly. We did fill the position and our new Marketing Manager started about two weeks ago. We appreciate your interest in our firm and will keep your resume on file should our needs change.
There are folks making careers out of giving job seekers advice and tips. They charge money to confused unemployed folks - claiming to be able to find them a 'dream job'. Good lord - is there such a thing?
But, more importantly - who is writing books and articles and giving advice to the EMPLOYERS? Why isn't anyone letting them know that their hiring practices and procedures are just as important. The hiring managers are extensions of the organization - why doesn't anyone pay attention to their styles and techniques?
Call me crazy.......
(it wouldn't be the first time I heard that)
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